Q. Why is my bill the same during the winter when you're mowing less?

A. We simply take the price per service for your lawn and multiply that by an estimated 34 visits you'll receive for the year. We then split the total into 12 equal payments for convience.

Q. Can you mow my lawn shorter so it doesn't need mowed as often?

A. Unfortunately that's not what we do. We mow each species of grass at the recommended height to maintain a healthy lawn.

Q. Do you move items left on the lawn out of the way when you mow?

A. No we do not. Our liability insurance covers items within our scope of business. Moving items around a lawn is not part of the scope. We will do our best to trim around items left on the lawn to make it look professional.

Q. How often do you change or sharpen your mower blades?

A. We typically sharpen or put a new set of blades on our machines several times a week. This is to make sure and give your lawn the best look and keep it healthy. 

Q. Do I have to sign a service contract?

A. Absolutely not. When we set a year around monthly price for you we believe you'll be happy with the service you receive, So no need for a contract. If you ever need to cancel for any reason just let us know.

Q. Can you give me an estimate over the phone?

A. Unfortunately it is not possible to give you a correct estimate over the phone. Each property is unique and trying to guess at a price before looking at it wouldn't fair to us or the customer.